Monday, November 5, 2012

LGBT Votes are Queerly Important!

It’s hard to escape: the election is now less than a week away. If you’re connected with GO Atlanta on Facebook or Twitter, you may have seen our posts encouraging folks to register to vote, research candidates and issues, and to cast their votes, whether during early voting or on Election Day.

 As a program at a nonprofit organization, we’re not allowed to participate in political campaigns, including promoting or promoting candidates or parties. And even if we could, at the end of the day it really doesn't matter whether you’re on the left, right, somewhere in the middle or still deciding. We feel that people should be empowered to learn about issues and express their opinions by participating in the political process.

A recent Gallup poll of LGBT voters shows some definite differences between their non-LGBT counterparts (see the image below). About 4 percent of the American population identifies as LGBT, and in national elections they usually vote Democrat. The poll also found that LGBT people (74%) are slightly less likely to be registered to vote than non-LGBT people (80%).

For the LGBT and HIV+ communities, it’s especially important to vote because we've historically been closeted, silenced, and marginalized. Our votes-and the votes of our allies- will influence important issues like marriage equality / partner recognition, nondiscrimination, and funding for programs that keep our community safe and healthy though HIV prevention, treatment, care, housing, and research.

We wish you an informed, involved, and very happy election day. Signing off to vote,

Your friends at GO Atlanta